Centre for Policy Alternatives on 24 August, 2007

Media Freedom in Sri Lanka – January to June 2007

Categories: Book

The situation of media freedom in Sri Lanka is hardly positive. The Freedom of Expression and fundamental rights of citizens continues to erode alarmingly in an unbridled culture of impunity and violence. The undeclared, yet bloody, Eelam War IV in the North and the East of Sri Lanka has already resulted in hundreds of thousands displaced hundreds killed. In the South, claymore explosions, suicide bombs and attacks by the LTTE?s aircraft have exacerbated anxiety and fear in polity and society, eroded civil rights, dampened economic development and severely affected tourist inflows. Inflation continues to rise dramatically and there are reports of fuel rationing, power cuts and even more increases to the cost of living. Economically, politically and socially, Sri Lanka today is a powder keg of disenchantment and frustration. Regrettably, there are no signs of any course correction by the Government or the LTTE to engender a process of negotiations towards the necessary political transformation as part of a peace agreement.

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