Constitutional Reforms in Sri Lanka

Constitutional Reforms in Sri Lanka

This page hosts selected materials produced by the research and knowledge exchange partnership between the Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law on Sri Lankan constitutionalism and constitutional reform.

Related material for interested readers are:

Additional material

  1. Read the CPA-ECCL Working Papers on Constitutional Reform
  2. Read A New Devolution Settlement for Sri Lanka: Proceedings and Outcomes, Conference of Provincial Councils
  3. Opinion Poll on Constitutional Reform, February 2016
  4. Topline Report – Opinion Poll on Constitutional Reform, October 2016
  5. Top Line Report – Opinion Poll on Constitutional Reform, March  2017
  6. Two Years In Government: A review of the pledges made in 2015 through the lens of constitutional reform, governance and transitional justice
  7. Read ‘The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution: Content and Context
  8. Read ‘The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution: Substance and Process
  9. The Road to Temple Trees by Sir Ivor Jennings
  10. Speeches and Writings of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam
  11. Constitutional Reform and Crisis in Sri Lanka
  12. Parliament: Law, History and Practice (also available in Sinhala and Tamil)