CPA Comms Officer on 1 August, 2022

Request for action on the attacks against peaceful protestors on 21st of July 2022 and other incidents of violence

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has monitored recent incidents of violence including incidents that targeted peaceful protestors, media personnel and lawyers including the events of 21st/22nd July 2022 with grave concern. We issued a statement containing our initial concerns on 22nd July 2022. This letter raises several issues in relation to the inaction by […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 27 July, 2022

Emergency Regulations promulgated in May and July 2022

On the 17th of July 2022, Acting President (as he then was) Ranil Wickremesinghe declared a State of Emergency with effect from the 18th of July 2022, by way of Gazette Extraordinary No.2288/30. Thereafter, on the 18th of July 2022, he brought into effect the Emergency (Miscellaneous Provisions and Powers) Regulations, No. 1 of 2022 […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 22 July, 2022


22nd July 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) vehemently condemns the violent attack by the authorities on the protestors, lawyers and media personnel at the Galle Face green soon after midnight on the 21st July 2022. CPA notes that the attacks are all the more heinous as they came just hours […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 18 July, 2022

CPA Statement on the declaration of a State of Emergency on the 18th July 2022

18th July 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre of Policy Alternatives (CPA) expresses its grave concern about yet another declaration of a State of Emergency by way of Gazette Extraordinary No. 2288/30, dated 17th July 2022. This is the first such declaration by Acting President Ranil Wickremasinghe since assuming office on the 15th of July […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 4 July, 2022

AG’s decisions to drop charges

In the period from 2019-2022, the Attorney General’s Department decided to drop charges in several high profile cases. No reasons were publicly given as to why charges were dropped. It is also in a context when the department seemingly had sufficient evidence to file indictments in the respective cases. These decisions to not proceed coupled […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 30 June, 2022

CPA Statement on the Government’s Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution Bill

30th June 2022: The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) notes the publication of the Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution Bill (the Bill) [Part II of the Gazette of 24th June 2022, supplement issued on 29.06.2022]. The Bill, gazetted as the Twenty-Second Amendment if enacted will become the Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution. The Bill is […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 21 June, 2022

Chaminda Samantha Rajakaruna – Departure of an amazing human being and a civil society activist

Read CPA’s statement in regard to the passing of Chaminda Samantha Rajakaruna in English here: Read the statement in Sinhala here: Read the statement in Tamil here:

Categories: Documents