Centre for Policy Alternatives on 25 July, 2016

CPA’s 20-Year Anniversary: Videos

The Centre for Policy Alternatives celebrated its 20th anniversary on the 17th of June 2016. Several senior members of the staff shared their memories of CPA, reflections on the impact the organisation has had and its relevance for the future.

Categories: All DocumentsDocumentsNew Media
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 July, 2016

Written Submissions by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) to the Subcommittee of the Constitutional Assembly on Fundamental Rights

CPA thanks the chairperson and members of the subcommittee on fundamental rights for the opportunity to give oral submissions on 29th June 2016. In relation to the form and content of fundamental rights, their enforcement, and the concept of constitutionalism that should underpin the future constitution’s bill of rights, a number of ideas were put […]

Categories: All DocumentsConstitutionDocuments
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 July, 2016

Written Submissions by the Centre for Policy Alternatives to the Subcommittee of the Constitutional Assembly on the Judiciary

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) is thankful to the chairperson and members of the Subcommittee of the Constitutional Assembly on the Judiciary, for the invitation to provide written submissions in respect of the judiciary. Even though some institutional improvements towards securing the rule of law have been made by the Nineteenth Amendment to the […]

Categories: All DocumentsConstitutionDocumentsPolicy Briefs
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 27 June, 2016

පැල්පතකින් මැදුරට: From shanty to home

The Centre for Policy Alternatives continues to document and support communities in Colombo who were forcibly evicted or relocated under the previous Government’s Urban Regeneration Project, which was carried out by the Urban Development Authority and the then Ministry of Defence and Urban Development. Thousands of families living in the UDA built high rises continue to hope that the […]

Categories: All DocumentsDocuments
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 27 June, 2016


Michael Mendis and Asanga Welikala, RESHAPING THE EXECUTIVE: CHOOSING THE PRIME MINISTER IN A PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM, CPA Working Papers on Constitutional Reform No 2, June 2016. The second paper in the CPA Working Papers on Constitutional Reform series is on Reshaping the Executive:Choosing the Prime Minister in a Parliamentary System, by Michael Mendis and Asanga […]

Categories: All DocumentsCPA Working Papers on Constitutional ReformDocuments
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 27 June, 2016


Asanga Welikala, THE SRI LANKAN CONCEPTION OF THE UNITARY STATE: THEORY, PRACTICE, AND HISTORY, CPA Working Papers on Constitutional Reform No 1, June 2016 ### The CPA Working Papers on Constitutional Reform 2016 addresses a number of critical issues in the current Sri Lankan constitution-making process. The series seeks to add key theoretical and comparative […]

Categories: All DocumentsCPA Working Papers on Constitutional ReformDocuments
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 15 June, 2016

Politics and Foreign Policy – A Presidential Event at the BMICH

Politics and Foreign Policy – A Presidential Event at the BMICH by Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu. On the 13th of June, the Policy Evaluation Unit of the Presidential Secretariat and the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies with the distinguished participation of President MaithripalaSirisena hosted a dialogue on, “Sri Lanka in Global Affairs: The Journey since January […]

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