CPA Comms Officer on 11 April, 2022

Human Rights and Democracy in Sri Lanka (Book)

CPA launches Report on Threats to Journalists, HR Defenders and Civil Society 2022, CPA and FMM jointly held an event April 7 2022 to launch the Report on the Analysis of HRD Cases and Articles, resulting from the recent project on Promoting Human Rights and Democratic Values in Sri Lanka. The Report, titled Human Rights […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 5 April, 2022

Official CPA statement in regard to the current state of crisis & public outcry for change in leadership

5th April 2022: As thousands of civilians flock to the streets across the Island in protest of the Rajapaksha regime’s mishandling and mismanagement of Sri Lanka’s economy and Government, CPA deems it of vital importance to clearly state its official standpoint in regard to the state of crisis in Sri Lanka and the public outcry […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 4 April, 2022

Rights of those arrested by Law enforcement [the Police or the Military]

“The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) is gravely disturbed by news reports of the Police not providing information on citizens who have been arrested/ detained. In order to ensure all citizens are aware of their legal rights, CPA has prepared this short question and answer document. The document explains the rights of those arrested/ detained […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 10 March, 2022

CPA Annual Report for 2020

Message from the Executive Director The year 2020 was dominated by the Covid 19 pandemic, the efforts to manage it and the repercussions thereof. In Sri Lanka, it was effectively the first year of the Gotabaya Rajapaksa presidency – won in November 2019 with 6.9 million votes to be followed by the General Election in […]

Categories: Documents
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 24 February, 2022

The Scope and the Content of The Constitution: Perspectives of Opinion Leaders

24th February 2022: The Scope and Content of the Sri Lankan Constitution: Perspectives of Opinion Leaders comprises a summary of findings that assesses the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of leaders from the four main ethnic communities (Sinhala, Tamil, Up Country Tamil and Muslim) across the island. These leaders included religious leaders, government officials, office holders of community-based organizations, teachers […]

Categories: ConstitutionDocumentsReportsSocial Indicator
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 10 February, 2022

Why the amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism Act are insufficient (A Visual Summary)

CPA’s commentary on the proposed amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act note the minimalist approach and basic reforms insufficient to address ground realities. Aspects which require urgent reform as highlighted by legal scholars, civil society actors and even the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka have also not been addressed in the Bill. […]

Categories: CommentaryDocumentsMedia GalleryPublic Interest LitigationPublic Interest Litigation submissionsResearch and Advocacy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 15 November, 2021

A Constitutional Performance Assessment: National Poll

15th November, 2021: The 20th amendment to the Constitution that was passed into law on the 22nd of October 2020 provided wide sweeping powers to the executive that further endangered the crippling democratic space prevalent in the country. Furthermore, the pandemic and its limitations have enabled the government to continue with its autocratic rule and […]

Categories: DocumentsInfographicMedia GalleryReportsSocial Indicator