Land and Property Rights of Internally Displaced Persons This short-term study aims at identifying the main land and property issues currently emerging in the North East and at providing principled and practical recommendations to relevant decision makers to address challenges regarding land and property, resettlement, relocation, rebuilding and restoration of normalcy in the region. Download […]
MOOT POINT Legal Review 2001 Moot Point, an annual publication attempts to monitor and review development in the law. Moot Point does not claim to be purely an academic law review or journal. It seeks to comment, critique and pose questions on legal developments and decisions of courts. The Moot Point is aimed at encouraging […]
A Paper titled “The Internet and Conflict Transformation in Sri Lanka” presented at the Oneworld Regional Conference for South Asian Partners, 18-19th March 2002 in Delhi, India. The paper looks at the impact of Information Communications Technology on Conflict Transformation in Sri Lanka. The paper examines the challenges for an effective implementation of an information […]
Background paper presented by Sanjana Hattotuwa at 'Security, Independence and Liberty after September 11th: Getting the Balance Right', a conference organised by the 21st Century Trust on 12th to 18th May 2002 at Klingenthal Castle, near Strasbourg, France. The conference examined the dynamics of the socio-political spectrum, with an examination of the profound implications of […]
The report of the proceedings of a seminar titled “Strengthening the Peace Process: Opportunities and Challenges” organised by the Departments of Surgery and History of the University of Jaffna and the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), held from 18th to 20th May 2002. The seminar was chaired by Prof. S. K. Sitrampalam of the Department […]
The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and International Media Support (IMS), an international media development organisation based in Copenhagen, organised a two-day seminar on 'Tools for News Management in Conflict Situations', from 13th to 15th June 2002 at Golden Sun Resort, Kudawaskaduwa, Kalutara. A report of the programme of activities can be downloaded here. Tools […]
Discussion paper on 'Case Studies and Online Advocacy Principles within the context of ICT and Conflict Transformation', written by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Research Associate, CPA, for Oneworld South Asia Regional Partners Meeting, 3-4 February 2003, Delhi, India.Case Studies and Online Advocacy Principles within the context of ICT and Conflict Transformation