THE MEDIA MONITORVol 1 Issue 1 The Media Monitor is published as a dialogue in Sinhala, Tamil and English. The ?Monitor? critically reviews the print and electronic media on its reportage of the ethnic conflict, gender, environmental and other public policy issues impacting on democratic governance and conflict resolution. ? Local: Rs. 200Overseas: US$ 10
THE MEDIA MONITORVol 1 Issue 2 The Media Monitor is published as a dialogue in Sinhala, Tamil and English. The ?Monitor? critically reviews the print and electronic media on its reportage of the ethnic conflict, gender, environmental and other public policy issues impacting on democratic governance and conflict resolution. ? Local: Rs. 200Overseas: US$ 10
Press Release calling for immediate action on Trincomalee situation – 21st April 2006. Also available as a PDF in Sinhala CALL FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ON TRINCOMALEE SITUATION A fact-finding team of civil society representatives traveled to Trincomalee on 16th and 17th of April 2006 in the wake of reports of civil unrest in the District. […]
Statement on the introduction of the Emergency (Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorism) regulations 2006 December.Statement on the introduction of the Emergency (Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorism) regulations 2006 December
War, Peace and Governance War, Peace and Governance in Sri Lanka Overview and Trends 2006 – an annual report of key trends affecting the peace process – January 2007.
LAW, HUMAN RIGHTS AND HIV/AIDS, A GUIDE This publication is the product of a series of awareness raising workshops for parliamentarians, judiciary, religious leaders, educationists and the media. It is an introductory guide to the legal and human rights dimensions of HIV/AIDS. This book is presented as a handy reference for the range of legal […]
MOOT POINT – Legal Review 2002 Moot Point, an annual publication attempts to monitor and review development in the law. Moot Point does not claim to be purely an academic law review or journal. It seeks to comment, critique and pose questions on legal developments and decisions of courts. The Moot Point is aimed at […]