CPA and Berghof also organised a conference on the International Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Peace Process from 8th to 9th July 2005. Given that the peace process is “internationalised”, the conference attempted to widen the debate on how internationalisation could be evaluated and strengthened if necessary. The Report of the workshop and the background […]
In the wake of the tsunami and in expectation that the post-tsunami context could provide the space for re-building confidence and reviving peace talks the RoadMap series organised two discussions: “Challenges of Linking Post-Tsunami Reconstruction with Peace-Building” held on 10th February 2005:Discussion papers – “From Disaster to Opportunity: Tsunami relief as a study in the […]
A Closed-Door Discussion on “Peace Process: What Next?” held on 21st May, 2004. A Discussion Paper On “Re-Thinking the Peace Process: Balancing Continuity with Change” by Kethesh Loganathan. The Road Map Programme on Negotiating a Political Settlement and Promoting Conflict Transformation in Sri Lanka was a joint initiative of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) […]
The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has conducted the project “Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process” to provide an understanding of the current status of the peace process. The output of this project is a series of Quarterly Reports. This is the eighth of such reports. It should be noted that this Quarterly Report […]
The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has conducted the project “Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process” to provide an understanding of the current status of the peace process. The output of this project is a series of Quarterly Reports. This is the eighth of such reports. It should be noted that this Quarterly Report […]
The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has conducted the project “Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process” to provide an understanding of the current status of the peace process. The output of this project is a series of Quarterly Reports. This is the eighth of such reports. It should be noted that this Quarterly Report […]
The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has conducted the project “Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process” to provide an understanding of the current status of the peace process. The output of this project is a series of Quarterly Reports. This is the eighth of such reports. It should be noted that this Quarterly Report […]