A Presentation by Sunanda Deshapriya at the Media and Elections Seminar organized by IMPACS in Toronto held from 20th to 21st February 2004Presentation by Sunanda Deshapriya at the Media and Elections SeminarPresentation by Sunanda Deshapriya at the Media and Elections SeminarPresentation by Sunanda Deshapriya at the Media and Elections SeminarPresentation by Sunanda Deshapriya at the […]
Federalism Publications available In Sinhala in PDF format: ??? Federalism Vol. 4 – Issue. 1 (1.15 mb) ??? Federalism Vol. 4 – Issue. 2 (1.09 mb) ??? Federalism Vol. 4 – Issue. 3 (1.03 mb) ??? Federalism Vol. 4 – Issue. 4 (1.08 mb) Federalism PublicationsFederalism PublicationsFederalism PublicationsFederalism PublicationsFederalism Publications
Monitoring of Print Media Coverage of Presidental Election, November 2005: Report 3: English – 8th October to 7th November 2005Report 2: English / Sinhala – 8th to 24th October 2005Report 1: English / Sinhala – 8th to 15th October 2005Monitoring of Print Media Coverage of Presidental Election, November 2005Monitoring of Print Media Coverage of Presidental […]
A handbook (including extracts from the IFJ and RSF handbooks) on Safety for Journalists reporting in conflict environments was recently published in the Sinhala and Tamil languages by the CPA Media Unit.Safety for Journalists reporting in conflict environments
The CPA Media Unit supported by International Media Support (IMS) of Copenhagen, Denmark, undertook A Study of Media in Sri Lanka (excluding North and East) in order to identify capacity and constraints faced by Sri Lankan mainstream and regional media, in the creation and consolidation of democratic laws and practices, and a culture of tolerance […]
Study Report on media coverage of key issues related to the Peace Process, the Cease Fire Agreement and the ?Post-Tsunami? environment for the month of March 2005.Report on media coverage of key issues related to the Peace Process, the Cease Fire Agreement and the ?Post-Tsunami? environment for the month of March 2005Report on media coverage […]
?On the Road to Peace? is an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) project on conflict reporting in Sri Lanka. The report (available in English, Sinhala and Tamil) of the United States Institute of Peace-supported IFJ conflict reporting project conducted in association with the CPA Media Unit, includes findings of research into journalists? attitudes on and […]