Article written by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Senior Researcher, CPA published in The Sunday Leader, 3 May 2009. Checkpoints
Article written by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Senior Researcher, CPA published in The Sunday Leader, 3 May 2009. Checkpoints
In the wake of the tsunami and in expectation that the post-tsunami context could provide the space for re-building confidence and reviving peace talks the RoadMap series organised two discussions: “Challenges of Linking Post-Tsunami Reconstruction with Peace-Building” held on 10th February 2005:Discussion papers – “From Disaster to Opportunity: Tsunami relief as a study in the […]
CPA submitted a Discussion Paper to the Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA) on Reflections on Tsunami One Year on: Lessons to be Learnt. This was to provide policy makers and stakeholders with a document taking stock of what has taken place that will assist in the formulation of policies and plans in rehabilitation, reconstruction and […]