Centre for Policy Alternatives on 15 February, 2011

Citizens Peace Award for 2010

The Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu was awarded the Citizens Peace Award for 2010 by the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka. Dr. Saravanamuttu was selected from 52 nominations received following the announcement of the award in November 2010. ### 15 February 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Executive […]

Categories: DocumentsPress ReleasesVideo
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 2 February, 2011

1) Mavai Somasundaram Senathirajah Vs. Gotabaya Rajapaksha (Registrations in North)(SC FR 73/2011)

In February 2011, CPA supported several Parliamentarians from the North to file a fundamental rights petition challenging the registration conducted by the military in the area. CPA supported the case by drafting the Petition, bearing the cost of litigation and assisting with field research on the impugned practice – and has continuously monitored the human […]

Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 10 December, 2010

Human Rights Day 2010: Media campaign

On the occasion of Human Rights Day 2010, falling on 10th December, the Centre for Policy Alternatives published newspaper advertisements to raise awareness on rights and the space for rights based work in Sri Lanka, on the themes of inequality (Sinhala, Tamil and English) and injustice (Sinhala, Tamil and English).

Categories: BrochureFlyerNew Media
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 26 November, 2010

First South Asian regional launch of the findings of the Open Budget Index (OBI)

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) along with the International Budget Partnership (IBP), a Washington DC based non-profit organization and the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA), a regional network based at BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh organized the first South Asian regional launch of the findings of the Open Budget Index (OBI) in Colombo on […]

Categories: Press ReleasesReportsStudy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 27 October, 2010

The Centre for Policy Alternatives Vs. Attorney General (Local Government Amendment Bill Petitions) (SC SD 10/2010)

On 04th October 2010 a Bill titled Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill was published in the gazette and was placed in the Order Paper of Parliament on 21st October 2010. The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and two others challenged the Bill in the Supreme Court on 27th October 2010. In its petition, CPA stated […]

Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 3 September, 2010

Statement on the Eighteenth Amendment Bill

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) was the only civil society organisation in Sri Lanka to go to the Supreme Court on the 18 Amendment, which was passed in Parliament on 8 September 2010. Significant concerns over the 18th Amendment are captured in a press release first sent out on 3 September 2010, reproduced below. […]

Categories: Press Releases
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 31 August, 2010

The Centre for Policy Alternatives Vs. Attorney General (SC SD 05/10)

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) made submissions to the Supreme Court on the Special Determination matter on the 18th Amendment Bill. The submissions were heard on 31st August 2010. The 18th Amendment to the Constitution sought to remove the two-term limit on the office of the President, repeal the 17th Amendment and restrict the […]

Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions