Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

A Space for Faith: Reflections on Religious Freedom for Muslims in Sri Lanka

Through the months of June and July, Muslims across the globe observe the holy period of Ramazan. It is even more significant this year in Sri Lanka as June 2016, that marks 2 years since the violence in Aluthgama, falls within the holy month. In a time when there is rampant misrepresentation of the Islamic […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

More than mere obstacles on the road to Governance?

More than mere obstacles on the road to Governance? Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu Recent media attention has focused on the appointment of Mr Palpita as an Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Public Administration, the incident involving the Provincial Chief Minister and the Navy in the East and the assurance given by the Prime Minister to […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

Seven Years Since

Seven Years Since. Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu It is now seven years since the end of the war and the onset of a post-war situation.  In that time the roots of conflict were not addressed but sustained and even reproduced. In the North and East, people observed that things may have looked better, but felt worse.  […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

Reconciliation and Unity: Warnings

Reconciliation and Unity: Warnings  Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu Recent developments in the north and east have raised concerns on the one hand of a purported LTTE revival and on the other about the continued use of the PTA to arrest Tamil citizens and of the modalities of the arrests being reminiscent of the Rajapaksa era.  Some 23 […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

A Matter of Trust and Confidence

A Matter of Trust and Confidence Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu  In the transition from the populist authoritarian recent past to government conducted with governance, public trust and confidence in institutions and processes of government is pivotal.  That trust and confidence is what provides the oxygen for the transition and the reform it entails  – a diminution […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 June, 2016

Let’s talk in the New Year; the Government to the People

Let’s talk in the New Year; the Government to the People Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu It has been some years since I wrote a column for a mainstream newspaper.  Looking back on it, I gave up writing for a combination of reasons, which oscillated from being bored and tired of saying the same thing to focusing on […]

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Centre for Policy Alternatives on 15 June, 2016

Politics and Foreign Policy – A Presidential Event at the BMICH

Politics and Foreign Policy – A Presidential Event at the BMICH by Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu. On the 13th of June, the Policy Evaluation Unit of the Presidential Secretariat and the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies with the distinguished participation of President MaithripalaSirisena hosted a dialogue on, “Sri Lanka in Global Affairs: The Journey since January […]

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