Centre for Policy Alternatives on 31 December, 2009

Presidential Elections 2010: Field Visit Report, December 2009

The Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) visited selected areas of the North and East from 22 -25 December 2009 to identify the issues pertaining to the voter application process for displaced persons, the availability of required identification documents and the general context in which the campaign is being conducted. CMEV met with Government officials, […]

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 28 December, 2009

An Election as Nasty as the War Before It

Article by Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu published in the Daily Mirror on 24 December 2009. An Election as Nasty as the War Before It

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 25 November, 2009

Rajapaksa vs Fonseka: Tweedledum vs Tweedledee?

Article by Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu published in the Daily Mirror on 26 November 2009. Also published on Groundviews here – http://www.groundviews.org/2009/11/25/rajapaksa-vs-fonseka-tweedledum-vs-tweedledee/ Rajapaksa vs Fonseka: Tweedledum vs Tweedledee?

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 18 November, 2009

Refuting extremely damaging and unfounded allegations in The Sunday Island newspaper

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) refutes the extremely damaging and unfounded allegations published in The Sunday Island newspaper of 13th September 2009 against its Executive Director, Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu. Download the attached PDF for the full press release. Refuting extremely damaging and unfounded allegations in The Sunday Island newspaper

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 18 November, 2009

Death Threat against Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu: A Clarification of Events

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) wishes to correct and clarify media reportage of the death threat against its Executive Director, Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu.  CPA is both deeply concerned and appalled at the distortions of the chain of events in the media, particularly the state controlled media, in which it appears that exigencies of government […]

Categories: Policy BriefsReportsStudy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 2 November, 2009

Ceylon Teachers Union Vs. Public Service Commission ( SC FR 367/09)

Details TBA.

Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 2 November, 2009

The Centre for Policy Alternatives Vs. Minister of Defence (SC FR 457/09)

In June 2009 a petition was filed by CPA in the Public Interest, requesting the Supreme Court to declare that the state had violated the Fundamental Rights guaranteed to individuals who were placed in “welfare” or “displacement” camps immediately after the end of the war in May 2009. According to the petition filed by CPA […]

Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions