Centre for Policy Alternatives on 11 January, 2010

Presidential Election, January 2010 ? Map of election violence during campaign

CMEV’s map of election related violence during the Presidential Election campaign is now live. New incidents will be added regularly, and also reflected in the media communiques released on this site. For more maps, click here. For instructions on how to view and embed CMEV maps on other websites and blogs, click here. Presidential Election, […]

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 11 January, 2010

Presidential Election 2010: Media Communiqu? No. 2

3 January 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka: CMEV notes with concern the escalation of violence in the Presidential Election. CMEV has received reports of 4 Major Incidents of election related violence on 3 January. Instances of the use of fire arms have gone up to 16. CMEV highlights the most recent two incidents in this press release, including the […]

Categories: CMEV ReportsElection Monitoring
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 11 January, 2010

Presidential Election 2010: Media Communiqu? No. 6

CMEV has recorded a cumulative total of 316 Incidents of election related violence since the issue of the Gazette Notification on 23rd November 2009 announcing the Presidential Election.  Of these, 133 are classified as Major and 183 as Minor incidents. The highest number of Major incidents have been reported from the Hambantota(17) and Galle(11) Districts. […]

Categories: CMEV ReportsElection Monitoring
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 11 January, 2010

Presidential Election 2010: Media Communiqu? No. 5

As of 8th January 2010, CMEV has confirmed a cumulative total of 281 incidents of election related violence of which 117 incidents have been categorized as Major. Of these, 36 incidents are of Assault, 31 are of Threat and Intimidation, 18 of Grievous Hurt, 7 incidents of Hurt, 6 incidents of Attempted Murder, 11 cases […]

Categories: CMEV ReportsElection Monitoring
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 11 January, 2010

Presidential Election 2010: Media Communiqu? No. 4

The CMEV brought to the attention of the Election Commissioner the illegal display of banners and cutouts in public places and within the premises Government Offices & buildings, by the letter dated 5th January 2010. CMEV appreciates the order given to the Police by the Elections Commissioner, to remove all illegal banners and cutouts from […]

Categories: BookStudy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 7 January, 2010

Presidential Elections 2010: Your vote is your constitutional right. Use it!

CMEV is running a tri-lingual public information campaign to raise awareness on the documents required for voter identification in the run up to the Presidential Elections. The posters and banner ads can be seen, freely downloaded, printed and disseminated via from here. Presidential Elections 2010: Your vote is your constitutional right. Use it!

Categories: Articles
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 7 January, 2010

Presidential Election 2010: Media Communique No. 3

6 January 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka: CMEV has confirmed 91 major incidents of election related violence as of today, since the gazette notification of presidential election on 23 November 2009. Most of the major incidents (27) have been reported from the Southern Province. CMEV highlights the most recent confirmed major incidents in this report. Download […]

Categories: Articles