The Eastern Province began to experience a new political climate after the entire Province was brought under Government control in 2007. The Provincial Council began to function for the first time since 1987, following the election held in 2008. The government launched its’ mega-development project – Nagenahira Navodaya – in order to develop the war affected province.
In this context, one year after the establishment of the Provincial Council, the importance of assessing the change from the viewpoint of those in the Eastern Province was strongly felt than ever before. Hence, Social Indicator – Centre for Policy Alternatives ventured into the survey – ‘Assessment on Eastern Province Recovery’ – which investigates the public opinion on key themes of democracy, human rights and development.
In this regard, the finding of this survey would provide valuable insight into the changes that the people in the Eastern Province are experiencing at this important juncture where the country is striving for the reconciliation of its war affected communities.

Assessment of Eastern Province Recovery: The Public Perspective
Categories: CMEV Reports