In February 2011, CPA supported several Parliamentarians from the North to file a fundamental rights petition challenging the registration conducted by the military in the area. CPA supported the case by drafting the Petition, bearing the cost of litigation and assisting with field research on the impugned practice – and has continuously monitored the human security situation in the areas. This case was filed in the Supreme Court by five Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Members of Parliament (MPs) seeking relief and effective redress in respect of the infringement of the Fundamental rights and Language rights of a large section of Sri Lankan society, who have been and are being further discriminated against, treated in a degrading manner. The subject matter of the case concerns the recent registration of the residents in Jaffna and Killinochchi, conducted by the military and civil administration of the area which was a violation of the rights of the civilians in this area. This case was taken up in March and the state gave an undertaking to court that the respondents would immediately suspend the registration.

1) Mavai Somasundaram Senathirajah Vs. Gotabaya Rajapaksha (Registrations in North)(SC FR 73/2011)
Categories: Public Interest Litigation submissions